Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Okay, so today was filled with loads of Drama, and as with our current generation, the majority of the drama either began with, dealt with, or ended on Facebook.

Jake Brissey marrying a fifteen year old isn't the point of the blog though.

My friend was badmouthing him on his page, trying to convince him marrying a fifteen year old when he was eighteen was stupid (no arguments there) and then he up and deleted her from facebook. (no shocker there) Then he deleted the argument off of his page. Or so he thought. I found a link to it in my friend's recent comments links. It was still there. What is it with facebook? I know they're super awesome for creating this awesome social networking site. Without Mark Zuckerberg how would I stalk my exes and crushes or play pretend farmer all day? But shouldn't it be less deceiving? If I click delete, something should delete immediately. Instead, he has this post where we yelled at him and he doesn't have any idea it's still fully viewable. And I mean, I tested it with my own page, and it went away.

So I'm confused, is this a glitch?? Or what?

-Kitty the Kat

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