Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Awesome or Just Funny Moments of Junior Year: Part Two

So I found this in my drafts folder...this is something I started writing over a year ago. Theses are apparently funny moments from 11th grade.

1. "New York abstains, courteously."
-Movie in AP English class called 1776. Seriously beast movie.

2. "Now, class, if you've read this story before, don't let the cat out of the bag."
"What if I want out of the bag?"
"Why don't you come out of the closet?"
"I already did, I'm bi."
-Nikki was NOT expecting that response. :P

3. "Kat, I think I'm liking baseball."
"Hey, wait, do you know..." that your exboyfriend is on the team????
Said exboyfriend: "HEY Kat!"
"Oh shit..."
-haha Shantel, you're so funny.

4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows coming out in theaters. That itself is just awesome enough. Especially the fact that I ended up seeing it three times in theaters on opening day.

5. Laura's birthday present for me. Which included:
-Reese's cups
-Cutants (cute mutant animals, they're the most adorable thing in the world)
-Redvines (Oh my Harry Potter, go watch AVPM if you don't get this
-A fortune telling skull

Saturday, November 5, 2011

To Foster

I don't have your phone number anymore and you damn well know why, but I have something to tell you.

I hope you realized how much you ruined everything. I forgave you for raping me a long time ago, but I can't forgive you for being the reason Ashley turned on me. Who do you fucking think you are? What consequences did you face? Your best friend got you out of legal trouble and your girlfriend was willing to pounce back onto your arm. My best friend won't talk to me anymore and thinks I'm a lying whore and you're best friend, the boy I was in love with, hates me.

Thanks for proving that people really don't give a fuck about rape. I've been asked for my decibel level, but everyone's just accepted that schizophrenics have no control, but fuck you. Stay the fuck on your meds and don't do this again.

A text message I couldn't send

A year ago almost to the minute I gave you a letter detailing all of the things I wanted you to apologize to me for. I don't know who I was to demand that. I love you, even if you frustrate me. I don't know anymore, maybe I should've apologized. I've stuck to my story and I thought that was enough, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if maybe you were the one that was right. I don't know and it hurts me to know that we hate each other over something neither of us remembers. I kind of wish you were the same person you used to be, but I'm not really the same person either.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's almost painful to see who you've become

Yes, Ashley this is about YOU.

[Jess, please don't show this to her, I needed to vent]

You are going to live the rest of your life thinking that I fooled around with your boyfriend because you want to believe that. But I want you to know that you are wrong.

A. Rape is the lack of a "yes" not that presence of a "no"

B. Even then, I did tell him no. I don't care if you think I flirted with him - I don't know how to flirt- or if I didn't say no loud enough -he heard it, Ash, that's all that matters-, I DID say no.

I think it's pretty pathetic that I've forgiven my "rapist" (even if wasn't to the point of legal rape) and I can't forgive you. He felt sorry, he got back on his meds, and he moved on. You let it creep in your veins. You pretended to agree with me and just held it against me for the rest of time.

In fact, I don't care about that. I was friends with Shantel for Christ's sake. This is nothing new. But do you know how painful it is to see you like this, Ashley. I remember you before. You were happy and sweet and even if you didn't like me then, you were a wholeful person.

Then Cher moved, then Corey (WHY DID YOU BREAK UP WITH COREY?), then Jessy and Lauren. And your personality must have gotten packed in their moving boxes, because I don't see the girl that went to my school those first two years anymore.

Hell, maybe this Ashley was there all along. Because the Ashley I know now pretends to be perfect to everyone. And people like Morgan buy into this. Maybe I bought into that act those first two years when I barely knew you. Maybe you're like a siren (mermaid). You seem beautiful and alluring and perfect. And then you lure people in. Mermaids would eventually kill the sailor they lured in, and I don't know how to word that into a paralleling statement that fits you, but it does fit.

If I redo one thing, I'd go back to Sophomore year and convince my younger self to latch onto Nikki instead of you. You really weren't worth the trouble. Not one bit.

I love my friends. Yes, I'm easily irritated and complain about EVERYONE. I admit this. But I love all of my friends: Shelby, Sarah, Jessyman, Cher, Lauren, Nikki, Jaide, Laura, Austin, Blair, Kasey, Tori, Vikki, Becca, and Courtney. You Ashley, you're not on there. I haven't talked to Lauren in months and she still made the list. You didn't. I don't know who are anymore; I don't think I ever did, really.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

So yesterday I ducked out of ice skating with my friends early to go see a movie with my friend Chris because ... well, I never see him anymore. He made me pick the movie and since I've been too gaga over Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (seen it eight times so far!), I really had no idea what to pick. Remembering that Draco Malfoy was in Rise of the Planet of the Apes and that it was a sci-fi movie, I told him that movie.

Just to be clear, I've seen the trailer that runs before Harry Potter -admittingly, six of the eight times I saw HP, so I had some idea of the point of the movie- but beyond that NO IDEA.

Maybe I'm the only person in the world who's never seen or read about the other Planet of the Apes movies, but I haven't. I knew from the trailer that it was about super smart apes that get mad at Draco Malfoy and get powerful. But really, I had no idea what it was about at all, and I have a feeling this affected what my final feeling of the movie was.

And since I'm pretty bad at not spoiling movies, I should probably spoiler warn right here.

Anyway, so the movie starts off with this chimpanzee being tested on in a lab. They have her working on this test called the Tower of Hanoi and the perfect score to that is a 15 and she got a 20. Just to be clear, because this confused the crap out of me, you want a lower score. I never understood why she got a higher than perfect score, but apparently she was 5 points from perfect. So anyway, the scientist watching over starts freaking out with excitement. He convinces his boss to let him present this drug that he's been injecting into chimpanzees that is supposed to be the cure for Alzheimer's (ALZ-112 being the drug's name). So they go to present the drug, and of course, the special chimpanzee named Bright Eyes freaks the eff out and goes crazy, destroying parts of the building they're in.

The boss orders all of the chimpanzees being tested to be euthanized because the company is ending the project. After euthanizing all of the chimpanzees, they find that Bright Eyes had just had a baby chimpanzee and that's why she went insane (mother's are apparently protective). Let's just ignore the fact that as a test chimpanzee, it's basically impossible for Bright Eyes to have been pregnant without the scientists knowing, because otherwise the movie has not plot.

So lead scientist takes the ape home and notices that the smart genes its mother had genetically got passed down and made baby-chimpanzee super smart. (He gets a perfect 15 on the Tower of Hanoi). The lead scientist names him Caesar and raises him like a son.

Apparently this was supposed to be some sort of reveal, but lead scientist working on an Alzheimer's cure has a father affected by Alzheimer's (I thought it was obvious, but the people at my theater sounded shocked). He injects ALZ 112 into his father who is magically cured.

So one day, the cure wears off and the father of lead scientist goes back to Alzheimer's-like ways and when he has a bad episode, one of the neighbors starts roughing him up causing Caesar to jump out of the house and viciously attack the neighbor in some form of retribution. Caesar gets sent away to Ape-Prison which keeps the apes inside of tight cages (boohoo) and is led by three guys. One is the typical innocent evil guy. Then there's the father-son duo and the son is the evil one (maybe because he is Draco Malfoy...) and basically they're evil because they don't treat all the apes lovingly. Even though only a handful of apes are normal wild animals, they're still expected to be sweet and adoring with them.

So the lead scientist goes to work on a new form of the medicine ALZ 113 and because 13 is an unlucky number, while it works on chimps (some of them brought in from the ape prison Caesar is in), it basically murders humans. Seriously, assistant scientist and the lead scientist's dad both die as a result. But anyway, I seriously expected something to come out of the fact that they were taking sample chimpanzees from the same ape prison that Caesar was in, but nothing came of it.

So the apes start plotting to get out and when they do, they murder Draco Malfoy and shove the innocent evil guy into a cage. Caesar, when fighting with Draco Malfoy says the word NO in a really dramatic effect and it reminded me of Chuckie Finster in Rugrats yelling out no.

Then the apes try to take over San Francisco and start murdering the police who are trying to stop them. There's a big fight on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. Loads of people die (including a scene where they let the boss of the medicine company fall and drown to death for no apparent reason), a few apes die, and then some weird ending happens in the forest where Caesar who has the ability to talk now tells lead scientist he is home and it is supposed to be a heart warming ending. Until you realize that the protagonists of the movie would like to murder you.

To be honest, this movie was good up until the end. I had problems liking a movie where the good guys want to murder me. Just saying. They were hardly likable protagonists. I liked the lead scientist a million times better. I guess maybe if I'd seen the other Planet of the Apes movies, I would've understood the point of this movie, because I've heard it's some form of a prequel, but I just thought the ending made the movie horrible. It just seemed to be going nowhere thematically.

I give this movie a 4.5/10. It was entertaining for the most part, but frustrating at the end.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Window to the Past

So when I was twelve years old, I thought I could write. The actual capability of writing words - I had that down perfect. The actual capability of writing a compelling and good piece of writing - not so much.

When I was twelve years, ten months, and twenty-nine days old, I wrote the first three chapters of what would become The Adventures of Charlotte Black: The Legacy (It used to have a different name that I forgot, but trust me, it wasn't any better). I ended up writing "45,000 words" to this story (more like 40,000 because of my long author's notes) and then one day, I reread my story and guess what! It sucked.

I immediately set out to do the impossible: rewrite a horrible story, but well. I mean I was up against a lot. My plot idea itself was bad. Plus, my mind set was horrible.

to anyone (unlike me) who does not worship Gryffindor (Okay, I don't worship it, but it is my favorite house)
-me (when I was twelve)
I posted this in one of my author's notes. I actually had to apologize to a reader for how offensively Gryffindor I was. To me this is hilarious (but if you don't know me, it's not). I'm a Slytherin. When I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter I bought Slytherin robes, ties, scarves, everything. So it's so funny to me that back then I hero-worshipped Gryffindor. I hero-worshipped it so much that I put a character there who never belonged there in the first place!

While I am beyond sad that I lost the last three years of time when I could've been writing to just thinking about what I wanted to do with the story, I'm also glad. Sometimes, we just need time. Even though I knew that something was wrong with my story when I was thirteen/fourteen, I didn't yet have the mental capacity to write it better. I think these three gaps years have given me the time I needed to learn how to fix my mistake. And I'm glad that I learned how.

Charlotte never left my mind, not for a day. Hardly even for an hour. Sometimes, when I'm listening to music, I pretend that in the Harry Potter books and I pretend I'm her, and I've gotten to know her a lot better (as cheesy as that sounds). Over these past three years of silence, a lot has changed. Who I hang out with, what I'm interested in, my opinions, they're all different. But Charlotte had been my loyal best friend who has stuck with me through it all.

-Katherine (SilverDrama)

Sorry, I don't like editing. This post probably sucks to read.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Okay, so today was filled with loads of Drama, and as with our current generation, the majority of the drama either began with, dealt with, or ended on Facebook.

Jake Brissey marrying a fifteen year old isn't the point of the blog though.

My friend was badmouthing him on his page, trying to convince him marrying a fifteen year old when he was eighteen was stupid (no arguments there) and then he up and deleted her from facebook. (no shocker there) Then he deleted the argument off of his page. Or so he thought. I found a link to it in my friend's recent comments links. It was still there. What is it with facebook? I know they're super awesome for creating this awesome social networking site. Without Mark Zuckerberg how would I stalk my exes and crushes or play pretend farmer all day? But shouldn't it be less deceiving? If I click delete, something should delete immediately. Instead, he has this post where we yelled at him and he doesn't have any idea it's still fully viewable. And I mean, I tested it with my own page, and it went away.

So I'm confused, is this a glitch?? Or what?

-Kitty the Kat